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Engineers have determined that 15% of the power produced by an engine is wasted by the engine trying to overcome its own operational friction. If that friction can be reduced that power can be released for use by your car. MPG+ represents a new generation of Advanced Friction-Reducing and Extreme Pressure Technology. Extensive laboratory and field testing has proved that MPG+ radically reduces friction in the engine. MPG+ significantly increases fuel economy, considerably reduces emissions, markedly increases power and extraordinarily reduces wear. Please scroll down to see the proof in our data and testimonials.
By increasing fuel economy and reducing wear, MPG+ saves our users considerable money in fuel costs and costly repairs. MPG+ actually saves the user far more than it costs – just in fuel cost savings alone. MPG+ is not an expense. It’s an investment!
DYNATEC knows that MPG+ performs so well, it offers a 100% MONEYBACK GUARANTEE, if our users do not get increased fuel economy as promised. Buy MPG+ today and experience the difference for yourself!
Before and after dynamometer tests were performed on a 1968 Pontiac GTO, with a 400 C.I. engine. Horsepower and torque increased immediately upon adding the MPG+. Horsepower went from 195.6 to 205.3, a 9.7 hp gain or 4.96% increase. Peak torque went from 268.5 to 281.4, a 12.9 pound-feet gain or 4.8% increase. It must be...
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May 25, 2022
2006 Mini Cooper S
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May 25, 2022
2010 Jeep Rubicon
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May 25, 2022
MPG+ Stress Test
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May 25, 2022
Ev Can’t Disprove it
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May 25, 2022
Comparison of Leading Motor Oils
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May 25, 2022
Extreme Pressure Test of Formula Shell Motor Oil
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I put MPG+ in my stock 1968 Pontiac GTO. I noticed that I had increased horsepower, I’m coming off the line a lot quicker and I noticed a lot more torque between gears. I have had MPG+ in my car for about a year and noticed that the power has increased even more, and my car is running a lot smoother. The bottom line is the vehicle starts easier, runs quieter, and has a lot more power to it.
I have tested five cars prior to MPG+ being put in them and afterward. Every car tested, got significantly more horsepower, torque and immediately, much better fuel economy. I discovered that even the engine oil temperature was considerably lower in the vehicles, by an average of 20°.
In my 1985 Suzuki Samurai, I got a 19.56% increase in horsepower and the 19.15% increase in torque. In addition, I got a 15% increase in city fuel economy. There were 115,900 miles on the odometer of the Samurai when it was tested.
In my 2006 supercharged Cooper Mini S I performed in extended engine wear and fuel economy test. At the time the car was tested, there were 109,585 miles on the odometer. Mobil 1, 5W-30 synthetic motor oil was used, as has always been the case since we owned it. We tested the oil after it had been driven in the Mini for 1,000 miles and found iron and aluminum metal particles in the oil. MPG+ was added to the crankcase and we discovered that wear was virtually eliminated. In addition, the Mini experienced an increase in fuel mileage of 21.2%, going from 26.4 to 32.07 miles per gallon. That is remarkable, because my wife noticed the improvement in performance, telling me that the Mini seems to be “Zippier” and she has a lead foot, so she uses the added performance.
Six months ago, I got a chance to try MPG+ in my 2010 Jeep Rubicon. I added a 10 ounce bottle to my crankcase and after driving a short distance, I immediately noticed that my Jeep was running smoother and quieter. In addition, the Jeep had better acceleration. I keep a record of my mileage and keep an eye on my mileage computer as well. I was amazed to watch the mileage increase from the 17 miles per gallon (MPG) I was getting to 21 MPG. That’s an increase of 4 MPG, which means I’m got a staggering 23.5% increase in fuel economy.
I will be adding MPG+ to every oil change from now on, because I know it improves my Jeep’s mileage and performance. I guess that’s why the MPG+ slogan is “Mileage, Performance and Protection … Guaranteed!”